We The People – Important Presentations – Wed, Feb 26th, @ 6:30 PM

We The People – Important Presentations – Wed, Feb 26th, @ 6:30 PM

February 26, 2014 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Fishers Grange
814 Northeast 162nd Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98684
Open to the Public
Tom Hann

What is the “Hegelian dialectic” and why must it be understood to advance the cause of liberty?

Please join us on

Wednesday, February 26th at 6:30 PM

Fishers Landing Grange

814 NE 162nd Ave.  Vancouver, WA 98684


With special guest speaker Dean Gotcher to learn about  Hegelian dialectic and how it has transformed Western thinking and philosophy laying a foundational premise for the modern progressive movement in our education system, churches, and businesses.


Mr. Dean Gotcher is the founder and director of the Institution for Authority Research.  His background is in education and European history and philosophy.  His extensive research in the area of education reform has given him exceptional insight into what education reform is all about, who is responsible for the changes,when the reforms really started, and most importantly, why our system of education (and our entire nation) is being restructured.


He is the author of the booklets Dialectic and Praxis: Diaprax and the End of the Ages, (Vol 1 and 2) explaining the dialectic process which is the foundation of and justification for Goals 2000, Outcome-Based Education (OBE),  School-to-Work (STW), and the Church Growth and Emerging Church Movements. He also explains Total Quality Management (TQM), consensus, the Delphi technique, group dynamics, cognitive dissonance, paradigm shift, and their roles in restructuring society.


Over the past sixteen years he has held over 4000 seminars and/or weekend conferences.  He shares in his seminars that the main goal of the process and those promoting it is to destroy any overt position of authority, especially parental authority.  As a Christian, he believes the ultimate authority is God and His Word.  He shares what God has to say to us today regarding the subject of authority and educating our children.


Michael Delavar:

Michael Delavar is a Republican and is running for the 3rd Congressional seat against Republican incumbent Jamie Herrera-Butler.  He will be sharing about his campaign and taking questions during our meeting. His main platform consists of: ending violations of the Constitution (such as the NSA storing your emails, and warrantless wiretapping), bringing the troops home from Afghanistan, and reducing the size of government.

Coming Up!

17th Legislative district town Hall.


Please join the 17th Legislative District representatives Paul Harris and Monica Stonier for their Town Hall Meeting: This coming Saturday.


Tough and important votes such as the Dream Act, 2nd Amendment rights, the CRC, paid sick leave and many others that affect you, will be discussed.


What: Town Hall for Rep. Paul Harris & Rep. Monica Stonier

When: Saturday February 22 at 1pm

Where: Wy’east Middle School 1112 136th Ave Vancouver, WA 98683


This will be a great opportunity for you to find out where each of our Representatives stand on different issues and ask us questions that are important to you.

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